My final thoughts can be found here

My d4 DICE reviews are a quick and easy to digest review of a board or card game. Along with a brief introduction to the game I use DICE as an acronym for Duration, Interaction, Complexity and Engagement to quickly explore a game. Enjoy!

Player count: 2-6 players
Play time: 20-40 minutes
Designers: David Storey
Publisher: Self Published

Be your own boss and run your very own digital agency. The Digital Agency Game is an easy to learn, quick playing and accessible card game. The game has three separate decks of cards: Projects, Employees and Events. Players will aim to complete projects by assigning various employees to them. Employees can be assigned by either playing cards from your hand or from the common “resource” pool. Each employee has a different skill set and each project has a skill requirement before it can be fulfilled. Every turn a new Event card will be revealed. These can help or hinder a player. After all event cards have been drawn the game will end and the player with the most points (completed projects) is the winner.

d4 D.I.C.E. Review


Games last around the 30 minute mark with the event deck being used as the timer. Players turns are quick and straightforward with minimal downtime. This is the ideal length for a this type of game.


The event cards can introduce some interaction between players. You can also acquire certain employee cards that a player might need. However, this is not a highly interactive game and for the most part you will fulfilling your own projects with the employee cards.


Rules are straightforward and easy to understand. The turn structure consists of five simple steps. The iconography is clear and easy to understand. The gameplay itself is easy to grasp and understand and new players to the game (or even to the hobby) will have no difficulty in picking it up.


The shifting resource pool, the event cards and the quick turns keep players engaged throughout. Do I feel like I am running a Digital Agency? Maybe not unless I inject my own story and theme in to the game. For the most part I am looking at the symbols on the employee cards and my projects. But that is still engaging.

Please note – The Digital Agency Game was provided as a review copy from David Storey.